With this eBook, you will learn Greek wishes, without needing to learn grammar.; everyday Greek wishes, but also wishes for birthdays, weddings, national holidays in Greece, etc
You get an overview of useful wishes, which you can start using from today. You can read this eBook while listening to the audio file for the right pronunciation in Greek. Everything is also translated in English, as well as written in Greeklish (Greek written with Latin characters)
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to extend greetings, wishes, thanks, or a “Happy Name Day!” to your Greek friends in their language, whether on the phone, on social media, or in person?
When you express such a wish, you will not only get a better feeling of what it means to be Greek, but you will also experience a more authentic way of communicating with Greeks.
20 pages (A4)
Omilo Greek Language and Culture – omilo.com