Make the next step and improve your Greek with the special Omilo Podcast notebook.
This Notebook combines 4 Podcast stories
(This notebook is a digital eBook, PDF file, which you can download to your computer and also print yourself.)
Story 9 :Η Ιστορία του Μπεν και της Ζέτας στο βουνό Παρνασσός – The story of Ben and Zeta on Mount Parnassos
In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about the story of Ben and Zeta, and how they met on Mount Parnassos
Story 10 : Ποιος θα πάρει τη δουλειά;Η Σία ή ο Πέτρος; Who will get the job?
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about the job interviews of Sia and Petros.
In this episode, Eva reads for you the story about how Dylan met Fanis, next to the Church bell on the island of Milos
Story 12 ; Πώς άλλαξε η ζωή του Φάνη μέσα σε 12 ώρες. How Fanis’ life changed within 12 hours.
In this episode, Myrto reads for you the story about Fanis and Dylan on the island of Milos, and how Fanis’ life changed in one day
Podcast narrators; Eva Christodoulou & Myrto Yfanti
Every podcast story has a companion notebook, which means a digital eBook (PDF file), which you can also print yourself.
* English translation,
* vocabulary list
* exercise to practice grammar + answer key
* the video link + Greek subtitles, video without advertisements.
* the podcast links on various channels, as well as the recording MP3 file, which you can download to your computer, and listen to without needing the internet.
A4 format, 57 pages
Made by the Omilo Greek Language and Culture School
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