Greek Audio files or podcast episodes are very popular, and becoming easier to access, thanks to new technology, apps, smartphones, etc..
Technology is changing non-stop, for good or for bad, but we try to focus on the good 🙂
Since listening to audio recordings or Podcasts really help to learn Greek, at masaresi we focus a lot on that, to keep you happy!
The reason for the popularity the recent years is mainly because it allows you to listen to a language, while you are doing something else, such as driving, walking, cooking,….you name it! In our modern times, we like to do two things at the same time 🙂
What is the difference between audio and podcast?
You can listen to audiobooks, audio files or podcasts on any smartphone, tablet, computer, home speaker system, or in-car built system.
Recently, it seems the word “podcast” became “hot and popular” and the word “audio” became a bit “banal, boring” :-), so a small intro of “what is what”…
What is an audio file?
an audio-file is delivered over the Internet in a compressed digital format and designed for playback on computers, smartphones or portable digital audio players. One of the most common audio formats is the MP3 file.
So, a file with the .mp3 file extension is one of the most commonly distributed audio files used today
We can link to such a file in our Blog articles, eBooks and website, or we can even send you such a file by email attachment.
Example for Advanced levels;
the Advanced Greek Workbooks + Audio file

The Advanced Greek workbooks are eBooks, which also includes AUDIO.
When you order the eBook, you will also be able to download a MP3 audio file, and listen to the text.
In the workbook, there are no English translations , since it is written for Advanced Learners in Greek,
but you do get more exercises to improve your Greek
Each eBook consists of the following:
A workbook with
- A reading text to build your vocabulary in Greek
- Audio link to the text
- Grammar and vocabulary exercises – advanced level
- An exercise to practice the “stress/accent” on every word in Greek (by using the audio)
- A crossword
- A text, which guides you to find the words in the crossword
- Answer key to all exercises is included
There are 7 Advanced Workbooks in total.
SPECIAL OFFER; till August 31st, 2023, you can purchase the Advanced Workbook 1, for just 2 euro 🙂 .Click here and purchase the no1 Advanced Workbook, for just 2 euro.
Why we ask 2 euro? Because then we know you are more motivated to really learn Greek.
(From the moment we offer things for free, it is proven everybody just downloads it, without even looking at it afterwards.)
Click here to order your Advanced Notebook for just 2 euro (in stead of 8,5 euro)
What is a podcast?
Typically, a podcast is an audio that is released on a regular schedule and allows subscribers to get new episodes on a regular basis.
Simply put: a podcast is an audio program, just like Talk Radio,
but you subscribe to it on your smartphone or computer and listen to it whenever you like.The advantage is that you can listen to them any time, any place, rather than be stuck to the radio at the same time each week.
So a podcast is a series of spoken word, audio episodes, all focused on a particular topic or theme and scheduled on a regular basis.
Example for Intermediate levels;
The Easy Greek Podcast Stories
Greek stories for intermediate learners in Greek
They are available on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple, Google Podcast and YouTube
This podcast of Easy Greek Stories, started in June 2021, with one story per month.
At the moment 25 Podcast Stories are published, and this is a reason to celebrate 🙂
Click here to find our Podcast Summer SALE (offers valid till August 21st)
Note sure what it is?
Then try our
SPECIAL OFFER; till August 31st, 2023, you can purchase the Podcast Notebook 1, for just 2 euro 🙂 .
Click here and purchase the no1 ebook, for just 2 euro.
Why we ask 2 euro? Because then we know you are more motivated to really learn Greek.
(From the moment we offer things for free, it is proven everybody just downloads it, without even looking at it afterwards.)
Note; From September 2023 onward, we will continue with the Podcast stories, but every 2nd months, so 6 stories per year.

What is an audiobook?
An audiobook is a recording of a book or other work being read out loud. So you listen to a book, instead of reading it.
Or, you can read the book, while you also listen to it at the same time. This is very helpful when learning a foreign language.
So audiobooks are voice recordings of the text of a book that you listen to.
Most audio files are mp3. files, which are easy to download to your computer and use “off-line” as well.
Example for Beginners levels;
The Easy Reader Lydia, A summer in Greece
Read and listen to the short story Lydia: A summer in Greece! and learn Greek in the most fascinating way!
The story includes the Audio-book, as well as a vocabulary list in English.
The book features:
- plenty of dialogues covering a great variety of everyday topics, such as: Introducing myself / Talking about my family / Ordering in a coffee–shop or a tavern / Arranging a meeting / Asking for or Giving directions / Hobbies / Shopping / Traveling / Describing a city
- short, easily–manageable chapters
- illustrations that show the reader clearly the essential elements of the story
- footnotes with explanations of words in Greek
- footnotes with synonyms of words
- footnotes with the present tense of verbs found in the text
- an Audio-book with all of the story, recorded by native Greek speakers
- a selected vocabulary from each chapter translated into English (included in the book)
You can download the first unit, out of 12, for free. Click here