This eBook aims to give the reader an opportunity to delve into Greek archaeology, and the Greek Cycladic civilization, without prior knowledge about the subject. When we pay attention to ancient art we can not only learn to appreciate the beauty of it, but also form an image of everyday life in past civilizations and communities. The history of Greece covers a period of thousands of years and every aspect of it can be fascinating. It can also help us look at our own lifes differently, as art is the ultimate expression of our believes, worries and hopes as human beings.
This eBook is written in parallel text Greek-English
It includes;
A history timeline, and Useful Vocabulary
1.Introduction to the Cycladic world
Εισαγωγή στον Κυκλαδικό κόσμο
2.The flourishing Cycladic civilization
Η ακμή του Κυκλαδικού πολιτισμου
3.Cycladic art
Κυκλαδική τέχνη
4.The meaning of Cycladic figurines
Η σημασία των Κυκλαδικών ειδωλίων
5.Influence on modern art
Επιρροή στη σύγχρονη τέχνη
6.Where can you see Cycladic art?
Πού μπορούμε να δούμε την κυκλαδίτικη τέχνη;
7.Visiting the Cyclades
A4 format- PDF document- printable – 40 pages
Created by Ruben and Maya – production